AeroValley Flying Club is a non-equity, no-markup flying club. What that means is we do everything in our power to keep the cost of flying for our members as low as possible while still providing a great, well maintained fleet with club activities and instruction opportunities. Each of the planes are lease-backs to the club by the plane’s owner.
We have provided a “Frequently Asked Questions” section on this page. These are the most commonly asked questions by new prospective members.
The cost of membership is $95 per month with a $325 initiation fee (which includes your last months membership fee), and each of the airplanes has a dry tach rate per hour associated with them (see “Fleet” for individual costs on the planes).
We have several instructors available for checkouts and advanced instruction, but no primary student slots available at this time. Because students earn their PPL at various times, it is hard to say what our availability for primary students will be at any given time. We will indicate below the number of student spots are currently available.

Primary Student Slots Available: 0
Check back again soon to see if we have added any spots.